How to Use your “About the Studio” Webpage to Bring in New Dancers

Dance studio website tips - Making the most out of your 'About the Studio' page

Make the Most of your Dance Studio’s About Us page!

One of the most underrated dance marketing strategies is a studio’s ‘About Us’ page. This page typically ranks either right at the top or among the most visited portions of a studio’s website, yet dance studio owners often neglect this page, or fill it with only a pat ‘Reasons to Dance at our Studio’ list.

Does your dance school’s website have an “About the Studio” page? Do you have one simply because everyone else does? What’s the real value of such a page? Do you know how to maximize its value?

A well written “About Us” page can not only relay information about your studio’s philosophy, history, and credentials, it can begin developing bonds, resulting in more long-term dancers in your studio. Here are some suggestions on how to use the page to its best advantage!

Note: You may have a “Faculty” page, in addition to your “About the Studio” page. Others may have an additional “Studio History” page. These tips can work well for all three; simply choose what works best on each page and in each situation!

It’s a Brave, New World

In this day and age, people crave personality, transparency and honesty. It no longer suffices to have an About the Studio page that simply lists what type of dance floor is used, which dance styles are taught, and what your mission statement is. Now people want to see who you are, how you came to be there and why they should dance with you (instead of the studio five blocks over).

The goal? Sharing your honest, interesting story with style and a touch of humor. No need to write your full memoir, of course, or share each little detail of your studio’s timeline. But giving your website visitors a sense of who you are, your background, and your studio’s history will go miles towards helping them connect with you. Talk about what first inspired you to dance. Share a challenge or struggle that happened during your dance training, or while performing professionally. Demonstrate in writing your love of dance, and why you want to teach it to others.

Don’t Forget the Credentials

While the story is important, parents also want to know about your credentials. These can go on your About the Studio page. If you have a separate Faculty page (an excellent idea, in my book), touch on your training and experience on your About the Studio page, and then provide a link to the Faculty page for those who would like a more in-depth look.

Whether on your About the Studio page or Faculty page, now is not the time to be shy. Your years of training, dedication, and tenacity got you to this point, and will make parents feel confident in you and your studio as the best choice for their children. Note how long your studio has been in existence (if it’s been a while), and indicate any accomplishments that make you stand out. You can also list associations you’re involved with, organizations you support, or alumni who have gone on to do great things in their own right. Do you provide classes for children with special needs or do fund-raisers with your dancers? List those too, because it helps show people what you stand for.

Are you opening a brand spanking new dance studio? Just getting started? That’s okay; we all start somewhere! In this case, mention how you learned your craft and why you became a teacher and studio owner. You don’t have to state when your studio was established (“Established in 2020” may not instill a ton of confidence), but explain what makes you a credible authority and why your studio is an excellent option.

About Us = About You

While prospects want to learn about you, they also have a need to hear about themselves and what you can do for them. What solutions and benefits do they stand to receive from choosing your dance studio over others? A diverse array of dance disciplines? A proven success record of alumni? Small class sizes and individual attention?

If you’re having a difficult time thinking of customer-centric content to put on this page, use these questions as a starting point:

  • Who are the people behind the dance studio?
  • Why do you do what you do?
  • What kind of instructors will students be learning from?
  • What does your dance studio stand for?
  • What is the experience of taking class at your studio?

Do your best to convey what’s in it for newbies, and they’ll begin to picture their family fitting in at your studio.

Include photos!

A photo of your empty studio space is fine. A photo of a caring teacher correcting a student at the barre is far better. Humans are attracted to humans, and people love photos that show what life at the studio is like. So instead of showing a photo of your empty lobby, try a photo of your friendly office assistant in conversation with a dance parent.

Photos of young children who have bonded over dance (in leotards with smiles and arms around each other) show parents what kind of positive experience their own child might have. A much warmer and more effective photo than that of an empty room!

Help Them Find/Contact You

If you don’t have a separate ‘Contact Us’ page, then put location information and a map to your studio on this page. (Also put contact information at the bottom of each webpage — make it easy for visitors to find!

The Long & Short of It

When parents look for a dance studio in their community, they normally research their choices online. If they find your homepage and have a good first impression, they’ll often visit the “About the Studio” page of your site to learn who is behind the studio. If they like what they read, they are one step closer to enrolling their child in dance class. If they don’t, they are going to click away, quite possibly to the website of a rival studio.

Rethink and rewrite your “About the Studio” page, and help more visitors decide upon your studio as the best choice for them!

A Bonus Tip:
If you’re stuck on how to write your ‘About Us’ page content, do a search through a dance studio directory to see how other studios do it. Do NOT look at the sites of studios in your area right now, though. Let them do their own thing. Instead, search for dance studio websites in different cities or states, and find some with excellent examples of About the Studio pages. Obviously you won’t copy their content, but having a guide can be hugely helpful.

Best wishes,

In need of a new website for your dance studio? Take a look at our dance web design portfolio, and see whether we’re a good fit!