Update Your Dance Studio Website Like a Pro

Steps for Updating Your Dance Studio Website

The end of a year is an excellent time to take stock. Has it been a great year for your dance studio? Is it thriving? What new challenges (landlord issues, faster than expected growth) have appeared, and how are you handling those? What accomplishments can you point to and be proud of? Now is a great time to acknowledge your hard work and pat yourself on the back before heading back into the fray.

As part of your end-of-the-year assessment, do an annual review and update all of the content on your studio’s website.

Can’t remember the last time your website content was updated? Your studio’s website is likely frightfully stale. Even if you keep up several of your pages, such as your Events and Calendar pages, it’s very easy and common for other site materials to become out of date.

  • Have you had one or more instructors leave recently? Have you hired new ones?
  • Do you have new dance programs that need mentioning on your website?
  • Is there a notice on the site about an “upcoming” audition that happened three months ago?
  • Are the toddlers pictured in your photo gallery now in high school?

When your photo gallery tells you it’s time to update your dance studio’s website

Depending on the size of your website, this task can take 30 minutes to several hours to complete. I’d recommend sitting down at your computer with a cup of coffee or your beverage of choice, and starting with your homepage. Then methodically visit each of your website pages. Have a notebook so you can take notes, or start a draft email if you expect to send your findings to someone else.

Step 1:

The first order of business is to delete any out-of-date or incorrect information. Keep your eyes out for references to old dates. If it’s 2022 but your Summer Programs page features ‘2017 Summer Classes ’, that’s not good!

Step 2:

If you will be deleting an old class schedule or performance announcement from your site, add new information to replace the old, if you have that available. If this exercise makes you recognize some gaps – materials that need to be written or gathered together, that’s ok. Make a list of needed items, put it off to the side, and continue going through your studio’s website.

Step 3:

If available, use your CMS (content management system) to make your own site updates, or delegate the updates to a trusted member of your staff. Depending on who created your website and what options they’ve offered you for making changes, you may or may not be able to do them on your own.

If you’re not able to update your own website, you’ll need your web designer to do it for you (or whoever maintains your site). Once you’ve gone through all pages, send your list of changes to that person and give them a “heads up” if you expect to send a batch of new photos, new tuition sheet, and etc., in the coming week. And then schedule a time to write any new materials needed.

Updating your content in a year-end review does NOT mean it should be only done once per year. Regular updates will keep visitors coming back to your site.

Keeping your website content current is also important for your SEO (search engine optimization). Why? Google devalues websites that remain static, which means your position in the search engine rankings can be hurt if your content isn’t fresh and relevant.

Now you can embark on the new year with the knowledge that your dance studio’s website is up to date with fresh content and is being the best marketing tool it can be for your business!

Best wishes,

Are you tired of your studio’s website? Ready for a website overhaul? Please take a look at our dance studio website design portfolio, and see whether we’re a good fit!