If your studio is providing a remarkable experience for your dancers and dance parents, it’s likely you already receive new students through word of mouth. You can boost this number quickly, however, by doing one simple thing — ask for referrals!
This may seem like a no-brainer, but nonetheless, asking your dancers and dance parents to refer your studio to others will increase your referral business. Why aren’t they doing so already? It’s not that they don’t want to help you out; it’s that it never enters their minds.
If the suggestion makes you squeamish or uncomfortable, remember that most people are quite happy to help a person or business that they like and respect. There is no negative cost to them, and they’ll feel good about helping out their family’s dance studio.
So make it a habit to ask for referrals once or twice per year. You can do this in a monthly newsletter or at a parent meeting. You might say something like the following:
“We’ve had such a wonderful year at competitions, and our upcoming recital is going to be fantastic, thanks to the hard work of the students and teachers.
As we’re getting close to summer, I’d really appreciate it if you would mention us to friends or neighbors who may be in need of a studio for their children. Summer classes are a great way for them to dip their toes in, and you’ll of course receive a referral bonus for each new student who mentions you and signs up!”
Reframe your thinking if necessary – there’s nothing pushy or cheesy about asking for referrals. Assuming you provide quality dance training in a caring environment, people will be happy to do so. It’s one simple thing that can have huge positive results!
Best wishes!
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