Setting Up ConvertKit for Your Dance Studio

Setting up ConvertKit for your dance studio

NOTE: This post includes affiliate links for ConvertKit. If you use them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no additional cost for you. This helps support the running of this website and helps me continue to publish helpful content. I use ConvertKit for my own business, which is why I’m happily an affiliate. Thank you for your support!

In order to level up with dance studio’s email marketing, you’ll need a great email service, and ConvertKit is the email service I heartily recommend. If you’d like to know my thoughts on ConvertKit and why I recommend it to dance studio owners, check out this blogpost.

The following videos will help you set up your ConvertKit account and show you how to use it, so you can bring more new dancers into your studio.

ConvertKit Overview/Demo

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Import subscribers from another provider

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Create a landing page + attach freebie

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Create a form and put it on your website

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Create an automated onboarding/sales sequence

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Segment your list for higher open rates using tags

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How to send a broadcast email

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I’m creating a series of blogposts and videos to help dance studio owners get started with ConvertKit. Please check back to see new resource additions created specifically to help you grow your studio (or better yet, sign up for the Dance Studio Breakthrough newsletter below and get all the juicy tips & tricks sent to your inbox!).

I think that ConvertKit is awesome, but you need to make the best decision for your dance studio and unique circumstances. One thing is for sure, though – regardless of which email service you choose to use, a solid email marketing strategy is an excellent way to grow your dance studio!

Best wishes to you & your studio,