Color psychology is all about how different colors make us feel and think. Because colors evoke different emotions and associations, dance studios can use them to their advantage when creating or updating their branding. This is true whether a studio ...
Colors can have a significant impact on the perception of your studio’s brand and overall ambiance, so it’s worth taking a time to really consider your options and how your choices will affect the experience of your prospects and dance ...
We’re talking dance studio branding today, and specifically, dance studio logos. You almost certainly already have a logo that represents your dance studio, but do you have variations of that logo to fit all your needs? As you try using ...
Do you have a dance studio slogan? We’re all familiar with the slogans (otherwise known as taglines) that the big companies use. Slogans such as “Just Do It”, “The Good Hands People”, and “Got Milk?” have, like it or not, ...
Are you making the most of the marketing tool that is your dance studio’s website? The majority of business owners recognize websites as essential, but don’t use them to best effect. Sure, your studio’s website may ‘pop’ visually and give ...
As individuals, we are marvelously unique. Unfortunately, even though dance studio owners are one-of-a-kind, it’s often difficult to differentiate one dance studio in a community from another. Not standing out from your competitors can be a huge problem, resulting in ...
Like so many others, I find myself glued to the television during the Olympics. Being of a performing arts background, I honestly don’t have much interest in beach volleyball, track, or downhill slalom (whatever that is). What I DO have ...
It’s unlikely that people will visit your website without any reason. Sometimes curiosity is reason enough, and with a new or newly revised studio website, it often is. You can only claim “new website” for so long, though, so it’s ...
Quick! Can you describe this very second what makes your studio unique from others in your area? What sets you apart from your competitors? If you know and stress your studio’s strengths, you’ll give dancers/dance parents a reason to initially ...